Why You Need To Be Tweeting…

Gwen Baird
2 min readSep 15, 2020


The magic of live events and live tweeting…

image ©GwenBaird

Tweeting at live events and why it is important in so many ways.

Why it’s important to keep the flow before, during and after your live event!

I am talking in this instance about your live-tweeting at any LIVE in-person or more so these days, online events.

✅ Why Before:- Get tweeting before your event to raise awareness and give time to build the excitement and get yourself more ticket sales!

Raise awareness and reputation at the same time. Remember people are always watching you.

If you only surface on the big days it does send out the wrong vibes.

Not to mention you miss a great opportunity to connect with your ideal audience.

What is there not to like about the process. Win-win.

✅ Why During:- Well this one is kinda obvious!

It gets you noticed and raised awareness for your event letting a wider audience know what you do and others learn what you are all about.

Doors will open as a result but you have to stay consistent.

Eyeballs will be watching your every move.

The ones who were watching will want to make sure they are in on the act next time!

No to mention you create a new wave of connections all warmed up ready for your magic.

✅ Why Keep Tweeting After:- Well you have already done the hard work!

Don’t throw it all away now.

Some may not have been at your event but they would have watched from the sidelines.

Give them something else to hang onto.

Walk away now and you are leaving so much on the table.

You have your ideal audience right in the palm of your hards all eagre to learn more about what you can do for them.

Remember this is a journey and your story.

If you would like to chat more about this process on even just the power of Twitter in general, please do get in touch.

There is so much more to this amazing platform than you think.

Don’t forget, if you are on social media already the content is there, why not put it to good use! 😁

Twitter is one big full on live online networking event available 24/7. I will just leave that one with you!

Have a great day folks.

Keep enjoying what you do.

Chat soon.

Keep safe.

Gwen 😁💜🤪


I would love you to join me on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram & LinkedIn



Gwen Baird

Twitter Expert helping people living with invisible illness find support, purpose & thrive whilst generating leads. 🐦 www.gwenbaird.com