Time To #ShiftTheShit!
By Gwen at RAG Social
First of all, to all my sensitive friends, I have not gone mad! This is real!
I don’t usually write this sort of recommendation but, sometimes in life, sombody comes along and they deserve their story to be told!
Over the last few months I have been on a bit of a journey. I will spare you the full details but just let’s say, life and reality caught up and we (the royal we, that is) had to do something.
On my journey I bumped into one amazing lady, her name is Kerry Hales, for those of you who do not know who she is, you must check her out! Kerry Hales Coaching.
No…. stop right there!
This is NOT ‘I’ve taken a £25 coaching course’, this lady is the real deal!
Kerry has an abundance of experience and has spent a large part of her life getting to where she is now. Your session with Kerry leaves no stone unturned and is not for the faint hearted.
You get a calm, attentive and a totally non judgmental experience. However, if you are looking for a sugar coated, there, there session, then Kerry is NOT for you.
“Truth bomb of an explosive proportion.”
~ quote by Gwennie
Two hours in, after an intense session with Kerry and you are left with nothing but the WOW! factor.
Reality and solutions all come together and it just makes sense. You are left with clarity, focus and, with me, it was a feeling of overwhelming freedom. You really have to be there to experience the whole package!
I went into the session with so much stress hanging over me. I left feeling like I was floating on air with the clarity to think and put into action a plan that has changed the way I think for the better.
I am doing things that never even crossed my thought process before. Things that are just so simple when you think about it. The best part is, the new habits and routines are free. Routines and habits that start from within. Investing in yourself is the best investment you can truly make.
Finding yourself and finding a routine just right for you = RESULT!
This does not just apply to your daily life situation, it applies to your workplace too and every other walk of life.
Kerry really does accomplish what it says on the tin ~ she is the goddess to #shifttheshit in your life.
For a month, commencing in January, you can join Kerry for a step by step guide to doing what this blog title says! ‘Shift The Shit’ In A Month ~ Kerry is offering this through her passion for what she does, at a hugely discounted price (I think she is mad to offer such an amazing deal) ~ go check out Kerry’s Facebook page to find out for yourself what I am talking about! Kerry Hales Coaching.
If I speak nicely with Santa, maybe he will book me a place to attend in January ;) (Gwen sits tight, hoping that a certain somebody will read her blog and tell santa that I have been a very good girl this year!) ~ well a girl can but dream!
Those of you who know me, Gwen Baird, know that this is not my usual ‘bag!’ I have done ‘stuff’ like this before and always left saying to myself ‘wtf’ was that all about! …… hands up, that was me! Not letting my true thoughts come out loud is something I struggle with! ;)
Seriously though, if you are feeling strangled with everyday life, either at work, home or just in general, health reasons or whatever, you will not regret talking to this amazing lady.
There is never any judgement, blame and certainly not ever any silly questions. You leave refreshed and genuinely feeling like you have made a new best friend. The type that does not live in your pocket, but, is there for you, if you need them. Somebody that really listens to you and WILL without doubt help you #shifttheshit.
The tools are there, in place, ready for you, all you have to do is talk, listen and take on board the responsibilty for your own actions! It really works.
There is a something different about Kerry, you will see for yourself. Visit her other Facebook group ~ “You Are Awesome” ~ which YOU will be, if you take the first step.
What a great time of year to apply yourself to this commitment. Make this New Year’s resolution count!
Make 2019 YOUR year
I am just loving my journalling, every day now………what a story I have to tell……watch this space!
Happy Christmas everyone, hope you all have a peaceful and festive holiday and all the best for your 2019.
Keep safe.
Much love,
Gwen ~ RAG Social
I would love you to join me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn