I Just Can’t Do It!
by RAG Social
I have heard many people say that when you are finished reading your book your should get rid, give it away, send it to the charity shop! They are just clutter!
No…. just no!
I love books!
I love the look and feel of books, there is nothing better than holding that physical book and the act or turning the pages is something I adore!
It gives that feeling of relaxation as well as getting lost in the journey.
I have bought books before just because the cover stood out to me! Okay, that might not be the right thing to do, but it has not let me down yet!
There is something special about books. Would you agree?
They have a life of their own. Especially old books, books with history.
Browsing round an old book shop and finding a little gem is something to behold.
Have you ever browsed through and old bookshop? The first thing that you notice when you walk in (apart from the books, obvs.) is the smell…….. old books… ahhhhh. Something to savour and make the moment more memorable (not everybodies cup if tea, I get that!).
When I give books as presents, I like to write an inscription on the inside cover. Something to be kept and remembered fondly in years to come. Maybe I am just being a silly old romantic.
I know how I feel when I open old books that belonged to Mum and Dad, I see their handwriting inside ~ it makes me feel all warm and cosy on the inside — daft I know!
I think about the work that goes into wrting a book, publishing a book, selling a book ~ not to mention the prep and the hours of hard graft too.
I can only imagine that feeling when you get your first book published and it arrives in the post!
I just love looking at the books sitting on the bookshelf and admire the history behind each and every one.
Also, I like to re-read some of my books, just like watching your favourite film over and over again.
When it comes to learning/work books, well, I like to write and highlight in them! They become a point of reference and become part of my working tools! Get rid! NEVER!
I have no objection to audio books, they have a time and a place too — but, nothing compares to the real deal!
I feel a trip to Waterstones coming on!
I would love to hear your views on what you think about your books after you read them.
Happy reading folks.
Keep enjoying what you do.
Chat soon, folks.
Keep safe.
Gwen ~ RAG Social
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